This guide will talk you through everything you need to know about CBD and Medical Cannabis in the UK.

You’ll learn about the Science behind CBD, discover it’s history and much more.

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But first things first! What exactly is CBD?

Cannabidiol or CBD is a therapeutic compound found in the Hemp plant. It works by interacting with our Endcannabinoid system, which runs virtually throughout our entire bodies. Although research is ongoing there have been many promising results. It is most commonly used to aid symptoms of poor sleep (insomnia) & mental health as well as provide pain relief.

CBD Oil and Hemp Oil | Whats the difference?

There are 3 types of CBD. Isolate, Broad Spectrum & Full Spectrum.

CBD isolate: The purest form of CBD.

Broad Spectrum CBD: Includes other beneficial Cannabinoids like, CBG & CBN.

Full Spectrum CBD: Contains all the compounds of the Cannabis/Hemp plant apart from THC. Also contains terpenes that have their own beneficial properties.

Hemp Oil: Hemp oil differs from CBD Oil. Hemp Oil is crafted using the seeds of the plant where as CBD can come from the flower, leaves and stalks. Hemp Oil is great as a source of Omega 3,6 and 9 as well as fibre.

The entourage effect is the idea that the combination of Cannabinoids holds more benefit over CBD isolate. It is thought the combination creates heightened effects. This could be beneficial for those with extreme pain, chronic mental health etc

How does CBD work?

Our bodies are amazing! Designed with intricate systems to keep our minds and organs functioning.

CBD and other Cannabis research has allowed us to explore into the Endocannabinoid system. A fascinating system that runs through virtually every organ in our body.

As there are Cannabinoid receptors virtually everywhere, CBD has the potential to effect both our minds and bodies.

Our receptors

There are two main receptors involved (see diagram). CB1 and CB2. These receptors have different ‘targets’ they respond to. For example, the CB1 receptor is responsible for many functions within the brain including,memory, pain and appetite.

The CB2 receptors is responsible for other functions within the body including, bone heath and immunity.

To date these CB1 and CB2 are the only known Cannabinoid receptors. CB1 being the most prevalent in our bodies, mostly being found within our centeral nervous system.

Cannibinoids, like CBD encourage activity from these receptors which is why we could feel therapeutic benefit from consumption regularly.

What are the benefits of CBD?

Due to the vast amount of Cannabinoid receptors in our bodies, CBD has the potential to provide a host of benefits for our minds and bodies.

CBD products are most commonly used by UK customer for Anxiety, Poor sleep (insomnia) and pain relief.

Other areas CBD could benefit include:


✨Period pain/PCOS/Menopause

✨Migraines/ Cluster headaches

✨Nausea/ Digestive issues


✨Low mood/ Depression

✨Sports recovery

Not sure which product to use?

We’ve added a handy drop down to each of our products to show a few examples of it’s potential benefits. You can also get in contact online or via social media to talk to an expert!


Is CBD Cannabis?

Is CBD Cannabis? Will it get me 'high'?

The short answer is no. CBD will not get you 'high'. CBD products are derived from Hemp. A plant which is cultivated due to it's high CBD content and lowTHC content. The Cannabis plant commonly known as'weed'is cultivated for it's high THC content. THC is the compound that causes the feeling of a 'high' and is illegal in the UK unless medicinally prescribed by a specialist.

A short History of CBD

The Hemp plant has been used for a variety of reasons for centuries. Cannabis is native to Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Archaeological data suggests its cultivation dates back to the end of the ice age and the creation of agriculture 10,000 to 12,000 years ago.

Being a strong, fibrous material Hemp was probably one of the earliest plants cultivated for textiles! 

Both Cannabis and Hemp have been used for a variety of reasons, although it is hard to find when it was first used for something other than textiles. However, in 2737 BC the first record of Cannabis medicine was documented by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung. Rather than using the CBD Oils we know, he had Cannabis infused tea!

Cannabidiol or CBD, was discovered by Roger Adams in 1940. He had isolated the compounds CBD and CBN from the Hemp plant. In 1964 Raphael Mechoulam isolated the THC compound. Something that was hypothesised by Roger Adams. 

Mechoulam is one of the biggest names in Cannabis science!

Now you know the basics…

Head over to our FAQs to get more of your questions answered or download our FREE Guide to CBD and Medical Cannabis in the UK.

A comprehensive guide outlining the science, laws and history of CBD. You’ll also find a product guide and dosage tracker to get your journey started.

We’ve put together a CBD Guide for beginners. This guide will talk you through everything you need to know to start your journey.

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